Harmony Baptist Church of Delhi, LA

1226 Hwy 132

Delhi, LA 71232


Music Minister

We are currently seeking a pastor. Please be in prayer for our church as God leads us in this search. Pray specifically that God will not only send our new Pastor to us, but that He will also place on the heart and mind of this man and his wife, the name of our church. Pray for confirmation for our new Pastor, his wife, and our church. Thank you and God bless you.

We are currently seeking a Music Director. Please make inquiries at either harmonybaptistchurchofdelhi@gmail.com or through the form at the bottom of this page. Please also pray over our church as we seek men whom God wants to serve in our community.

Youth Pastor

We are currently seeking a Youth Pastor. We are not in a hurry as our wonderful Youth Committee has stepped up to help with the duties. If interested, please email harmonybaptistchurchofdelhi@gmail.com, or come by the church and visit. God bless.


Deacons from left to right:

David Dunham, JN Franks, Laney Pankey, Charles Carr, Wade Lynn, and Mitch McClure

(not pictured: John Antley)

An update from Bro Doyle and Mrs Tonya Williamson. Bro. Doyle is an evangelist who has preached several revivals for us in the past. Please continue to lift up the Williamsons in prayer and if you feel led to donate to their ministry, you may reach out to our church to do so.